NHS Professionals

Doctors Direct
Female in conversation with another female. Female smiling. Male holding large wall clock. 

About Bank Member of the Month

The NHS Professionals Bank Member of the Month Award launched several years ago to recognise our NHS Professionals Bank Members who go above and beyond each month to support patients and our partner Trusts.

To celebrate even more Bank Members, we have given our Bank Member of the Month Award a refresh. This is to remind Bank Members and Trusts alike of their ability to recognise colleagues for their exceptional work each month.

Nominations are submitted by managers, colleagues or patients who have received outstanding care from one of our Bank Members. These nominations will then be reviewed by the NHS Professionals Marketing team who will thank all nominees for their hard work by sending them a branded certificate. NHSP will then select one overall winner for each Trust who will go on to receive a certificate and pin badge.

All the winning nominations from the North and South respectively will then be submitted to the corresponding Account Director for them to pick an overall winner per region. These winners will go on to receive an £100 Love2Shop voucher, a thank you card, a certificate and a pin badge.

The Bank Member of the Month Awards are just one example of how we reward, recognise, and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our members who we are so proud of.

Submit your nomination

Submit your nominations for your NHS Professionals Bank Member of The Month.

Submit nomination