Doctors Direct Gateway for Doctors Gateway Specialty Programme

Gateway Specialty Programme

What is the Gateway Specialty Programme?

This programme has been created for Doctors who have completed CREST/FPCC and would like to broaden their clinical experience. Whether you are undecided on your chosen career or are waiting to start HEE training, the Gateway Specialty Programme provides you with the opportunity to work as an F3/Junior Clinical Fellow.


Is the Doctors Gateway Specialty Programme right for me?

If you have finished the Gateway EU Programme and have CREST sign off, or have Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC) and are looking for:

  • Experience in a chosen specialty
  • Minimum of 6 months continuous employment in your preferred location (where available)
  • Stability, and a guaranteed income
  • Supported experience to strengthen your CV and application for HEE core/specialty/GP training


Next Steps

Please register your interest if you have CREST/FPCC sign off and are looking for F3/JCF opportunities through the Gateway Specialty Programme.

Register your interest


Applications are considered on a continuous basis, and you could start the programme at any point throughout the year.

Based on the information you submit we will triage your application and invite you to the next stage where our dedicated team will support you through the process.


Why choose the Gateway Specialty Programme:

  • The Gateway Specialty Programme and all of the below is free of charge to all Gateway Specialty Doctors
  • Minimum of 6 months continuous employment at one of our Gateway Partners across the UK, in your preferred specialty
  • A dedicated Gateway team at NHS Professionals to support you with:
    • 30 hours a year of accredited learning developed specifically to meet the needs of EU graduates
    • Guidance and support in the completion of audit(s) and quality improvement workstreams
    • Access to accredited ‘training to be a teacher’ and teaching opportunities
    • Appraisal support including, preparation for and completion of your annual appraisal, meeting GMC requirements
    • Support in understanding the difference between ARCP and self-directed appraisal process (for FPCC doctors)
    • Guidance in creating your own Personal Development Plan
    • Support with the next steps in your career
  • Access to Doctors Direct Webinars
  • A Lead at each Gateway Partner to support your career progression and access to
  • Access to a mentorship programme provided by senior clinicians