Introduction to Venepuncture
Course Overview:
This course will equip you with the theory and practical skills to support you in your return to your clinical workplace for competency sign-off in taking venous blood samples from the arm.
Indicative Audience:
Health Care Workers who are required to undertake venepuncture
Aims of the programme:
- To understand the normal anatomy and physiology of the veins of the arm
- To understand the principles of safe venepuncture procedure and understand the risks associated with an invasive procedure
- To safely perform venepuncture
Course Content:
- Anatomy and physiology of the arm
- Informed consent
- Health and safety procedures and risk assessment
- Undertaking the correct procedure, including use and disposal of equipment, choosing the right vein and maintaining patient safety.
- The role of the health care worker
- Record Keeping
- Referring to a health care professional
Indicative Duration:
1 day